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Local Resources

This page is provided to assist students, families, staff and the community in finding resources that might provide useful in the areas of personal/social, academic, and career development.  This is the most recent list of resources that we currently have. 

**Inclusion on this list does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Richards RV School District. This list is provided as a service to the families of this district** 


Burton Creek Medical Clinic
805 N. Kentucky Ave. (417) 256-2111
Megan York, MSW, LCSW
LuAnn McKee, MSW, LCSW
In addition to medical services, Burton Creek Medical Clinic has two in-house therapists who are able to serve children, individuals, and families. Payment options include Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, self-pay, and sliding fee scale for those who qualify.
Catherine Newton, LCSW, LLC.
OZBI 408 Washington Ave. West Plains, Mo. (417) 247-9888 or (417) 255-8783
Catherine Newton, LCSW
Catherine Newton provides therapy services at the Ozarks Small Business Incubator. She serves multiple client groups. Please call for payment option information.
Curtis Counseling, LLC.
1880 E. Maricopa Ave. Ozark, Mo. (417) 252-1942
Laura Curtis, MS, LPC
Laura Curtis proves counseling services to improve the quality of life for families experiencing problematic behaviors relating to, but not limited to, ADHD, Attachment Disorders, divorce and custodial issues, issues related to foster care, and other behavioral issues. She currently serves individuals, children, families, and groups. Current payment options are self-pay and sliding fee scale.
Diversified Consulting and Mediation, LLC.
3407 Division Dr. (417) 256-0224
Ada Evans, MSW, LCSW
Ada Evans provides therapy for children, couples, and families. She offers family mediation services related to custody, visitation, parenting responsibilities, and some parenting classes. Payment options include self-pay and limited Medicaid.
Families First
Kim Barnes, MSW, LCSW (417) 293-8568
Ms. Barnes provides therapeutic services to children, individuals, and families. She also provides some limited in-home counseling. Payment options include Medicaid, Medicare, insurance, self-pay, and some sliding fee scale.
Mahan Therapy Services
3407 Division Dr. West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-1243 or (417) 293-8151
Elizabeth Mahan, MSW, LCSW
Ms. Mahan provides therapy on a part time basis to children, individuals, and families. She accept self-pay or reimbursement through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Mental Health Guidance and Counseling
1208 Porter Wagoner Blvd. #5 (417) 256-4104
Matthew Green, MS, LPC
Mr. Green provides counseling and therapeutic services to individuals, couples, and families. Payment options include Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, self-pay, and sliding fee scale for those who qualify.
Midwest Counseling and Assessment
OZBI 412 Washington Ave. West Plains, Mo. (417) 255-8790 
Jenny Long, PsyD. Licensed Psychologist
Jessica Foster, LPC-S
This group offers a variety of counseling, assessment, and e-therapy services. Please call for payment option information.
Missouri Crisis Access Response System (MOCARS) - Operated through Ozarks Medical Center
1211 Porter Wagoner Blvd. (800) 356-5395 or (417) 257-6762
The crisis line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is open to anyone in crisis.
New Horizons Counseling, LLC.
408 Washington Ave. (OZBi) West Plains, Mo. (417) 372-7155
Dominica Kiefer, MS, LPC
Ms. Kiefer provides counseling services to children, individuals, couples, and families. Payment options include self-pay and sliding fee scale with insurance and Medicaid/Medicare rights in application.
Ozarks Medical Center – Behavioral Health Care
1211 Porter Wagoner Blvd. (417) 257-6762
Community based services for mental health needs including counseling, medication services, and case management services for adults and children. Payment options include Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, and self-pay on a sliding fee scale. Other services may be available depending on the need of the client.
Southern Missouri Community Health Center
1137 Independence Dr. West Plains, Mo. (417) 255-8464
Elizabeth Mahan, MSW, LCSW
Joseph Hackworth, MSW, LCSW
Southern Missouri Community Health Center currently has two in-house therapists to address mental health needs. Payment options for both therapists include Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, self-pay, and a sliding fee scale for those who qualify.


Agape House 
Domestic Violence Shelter and Support Services: (417) 934-1811 or (800) 667-1811
PO Box 550 Mountain View, Mo.
Christos House
Domestic Violence Shelter and Support Services: (417) 469-1190 or (800) 611-5853
Outreach Office – 1554 Imperial Dr. West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-3408
Christos House Resale Shop – 305 Washington Ave. West Plains, Mo. (417) 257-7729
Family Violence Center – Harmony House
3404 E. Ridgeview St. Springfield, Mo. (417) 863-SAFE
This facility is located in Springfield, Missouri, but provides services to the Howell County area.  ­

Howell County Circuit Clerk
35 Court Square West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-2591
If you are seeking an ex-parte order of protection from the Court, appropriate paperwork must be filled out. Information regarding this process may be located at the Howell County Circuit Clerk’s office located in the Howell County Courthouse in West Plains, Mo. 
LEAD INSTTITUTE: Provides interpreter services for hearing impaired domestic violence victims. (800) 380-3323
Legal Services of Southern Missouri
313 Washington Ave. West Plains, Mo. (417) 255-0348
Low cost or free legal representation will be provided by an attorney for a variety of legal cases. An application must be submitted before an attorney may speak with you.
Missouri Coalition Against Domestic Violence: (573) 634-4161
Missouri Victim Assistance Network: (800) 698-9199
National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233
National Sexual Assault Hotline: (800) 656-4673

Safe at Home – Missouri Secretary of State Office  (866) 509-1409
This service provided through the Missouri Secretary of State Office keeps the addresses of victims of domestic violence safe. After an application is made and acceptance into the program, a victim will have an established post office box in Jefferson City with all mail going through this address. Call the Missouri Secretary of State Office for more information or go to
State of Missouri Attorney General’s Office – Jefferson City, Mo.   (573) 751-3321
The Attorney General’s office for the State of Missouri provides a pamphlet of resources as well as information on how to apply for an order of protection and how prosecution works: or 573-751-3321


Adult Education and Literacy/HiSet
308 Pennsylvania Ave. West Plains, Mo. (417) 255-7744
Joan Wright
Adult Education and Literacy classes are held regularly as well as classes for those who seek a high school equivalency or HiSet. Please leave a message if no one is available.
Early Childhood Education Services
305 Valley View Dr. West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-6150 extension 4513
An extension of West Plains RV-II Schools, children who are ages 3 through 5 living in the West Plains School District, Fairview R-II, Glenwood R-8, Howell Valley R-1, Junction Hill C-12, or Richards R-5 schools who show significant developmental delays and or have a handicapping condition may be evaluated for eligibility in the program.
Missouri Career Center – West Plains office
3417 Division Dr. #1 (417) 256-3158
If you are seeking employment or have questions about unemployment benefits, please contact the Missouri Career Center.
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Vocational Rehabilitation
3417 Division Dr. Suite 2 West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-8479
Disabled individuals who are seeking employment, advancement in their current job, or need assistance in keeping their current job may be eligible for services. An individual must apply for services in order to determine eligibility.


Breckenridge Apartments
Please contact the Manager at 2400 McFarland Dr. West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-8740

Clayridge Apartments
1300 Seminole St. West Plains, Mo. (417) 257-1195 or (417) 293-4845

Grisham Properties
215 E. Main West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-7159
Housing Authority of West Plains
Application for public housing opportunities within the city limits of West Plains may be made at: 302 Walnut St. West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-6663
MACO Management Company, Inc.
1488 W. 8th St. West Plains, Mo. (417) 255-9556
Ozark Action, Inc.
Application for Housing Choice Vouchers for housing located outside the city limits of West Plains may be made at: 710 E. Main St. West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-6147
Plainview Estates 
Application for income based rentals is available at: 2700 Burke Ave. West Plains, Mo. (417) 255-0990
Samaritan Outreach Center (Homeless Shelter)
715 Missouri Ave. West Plains, Mo. (417) 257-7792
Seminole Apartments
892 S. Thayer Ave. West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-1595
West Plains Apartments
Please call for an appointment and application at: 1214 Jackson St. West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-0996


If you need assistance with food, please contact one of the following agencies:
Christos House (417) 256-3408
First Baptist Church – West Plains (417) 256-0308
First United Methodist Church – West Plains (417) 256-6167
Samaritan Outreach Center (417) 257-7792


Health Tran – Howell County
(844) 836-RIDE
Transportation to and from medical appointments are available on a referral basis through Health Tran – Howell County. Please call for additional information and program requirements.
Missouri Department of Social Services Non-Emergency Medical Transport/Medicaid Transport
(866) 269-5927
Please call for program requirements and specific information for the West Plains area.
West Plains Transit – City of West Plains
303 E. Broadway St. West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-1241
The City of West Plains has three 16 passenger buses. Please call for fare and route information.
** There are several rental car companies in the West Plains area. Please Google “rental car companies” for a complete list. **


Bureau of Special Health Care Needs – Department of Health and Human Services
For more information on specific services offered, please call (417) 895-6900
Burton Creek Medical
Burton Creek has several providers with different specialties. For more information, please call (417) 256-2111
C-Star Treatment Services (Adolescent Treatment)
3411 Division Dr. West Plains, Mo. (417) 257-9152
A variety of adolescent treatment services are available. For more information, please call (417) 257-9152 or go to
Children’s Hospital at University Hospital – Columbia, Mo.
Clinic Information – (517) 882-7000
General Pediatrics – (417) 882-4730
Behavioral Health Services – (517) 882-8008
Cox Health Systems
Cox Hospital in Springfield, Missouri, has several providers in the area. For more information, please call (417) 269-INFO or go to
Howell County Health Department
Our health department offers vaccinations, women’s health services, and many other specific services. For more information, please call (417) 256-7078 or go to
Mercy Health Systems
Mercy Hospital in Springfield, Missouri, has several locations in the area. For more information, please call (417) 820-2000 or go to
Ozarks Medical Center
1110 Kentucky Ave. West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-9111
For a complete list of services, assistance finding a physician, or for more information, please call or go to
Riverways Hospice
114 E. Main West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-3133
Riverways Hospice, now under the umbrella of Ozarks Medical Center, offers multiple types of services depending on the needs of the client. For more information, please call (417) 256-3133 or go to
Southern Missouri Community Health Center
1137 Independence Dr. West Plains, Mo. (417) 255-8464
Turning Leave Adult Treatment
1015 Lanton Rd. West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-2570
For adult drug and alcohol treatment services, please call (417) 256-2570 or go to
West Plains Christian Clinic
1115 Alaska Ave. West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-9722
Free medical and medication services are available to those without insurance or Medicaid/Medicare coverage. Income guidelines do apply. Applicants must go by the clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM to pick up and complete the necessary applications. Medical services are provided two events per month by volunteer medical staff.

Medicaid Accepted Dental Providers

Missouri Ozarks Community Health
Ava (417) 683-4831
Gainesville (417) 679-2775
Mountain Grove (417) 926-1713
Cabool (417) 962-5422
Mansfield (417) 924-8809
Please call the specific clinic for more information.
Southern Missouri Community Health Center
1137 Independence Dr. West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-8464
Dental services are provided in the West Plains and Thayer locations. Please call for a list of providers in their clinic locations or go to


Dr. Anne C. Ream 
760 N. Kentucky Ave. West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-6171
Dr. Julie Hart
808 N. Kentucky West Plains, Mo. (417) 255-2010
Dr. Scott Ream
207 Chestnut Thayer, Mo. (417) 264-7418
Vision Express
1713 Gibson St. West Plains, Mo. (417) 256-8393
Wal-Mart Vision Center
1310 Preacher Roe West Plains, Mo. (417) 257-2807
If you need assistance in paying for a visual examination and/or eyeglasses, please contact the Lion’s Club at 3417 Division Dr. #1 (Missouri Career Center) or (417) 256-3185 and ask for Scott Davis