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Medication Policy

Student Medicine Policy

Medicine should be given at home if at all possible. Medication will only be administered if prescription states: at noon, every 4 hours or every 6 hours. Medication prescribed for three times per day will not be administered at school. If the doctor's orders indicate that medicine must be given during school hours, it will be given if the following guidelines are met:

Prescription Medicine

1. All medicine must be in the original presciption bottle plainly marked with the student's name, date, medicine name, dose and time to be given.

  • The pharmacy will supply a second prescription bottle at no cost. 
  • The most current bottle will be kept at school. 
  • No more than one month's worth of doses shall be kept at school.

2. The parent/guardian must bring the medicine to school and sign a form authorizing the nurse or her designee to give the medicine.

  • The nurse will follow the physician's directions as listed on the prescription bottle.
  • The district will not administer the first dose of any medication

3. A doctor's written authorization may be required for the following:

  • Prescription medicine that is to given on a long-term basis
  • Emergency medication (i.e. Epi-Pen)
  • Self-administration of certain medicines (i.e. inhaler for asthma)

Over-the-Counter Medicine

  1. The parent/guardian must bring the medicine to school.
  2. All medicine must be in the original packaging and only the dose listed on the package as appropriate will be given.
  3. Medication Consent Form must be completed and signed.

Self Administration of Medication

A student with a chronic health condition, such as asthma, may assume responsibility for his/her own medication as part of learning self-care, if the following guidelines are met:

  1. The student's physician provides the school with a written request stating the student be allowed to administer the medication as needed during school hours.
  2. Parent/guardian provides a note to school requesting compliance with the physician's order.

It is the responsibility of the parent and/or guardian to pick up any unused medicine. The school nurse will destroy all medicine that is left in the nurse's office after the last day of the regular school year. 

Jordan Hughes
School Nurse