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PreK & Kinder Screening Information

Richards R-V Preschool Screening

Richards R-V School will offer a Title I Early Childhood Preschool Program for four-year-olds at the Richards Early Childhood Center during the 2024-2025 school year.

In order to attend Preschool classes or the Early Childhood Day Care Program, children must be four years old prior to August 1, 2024 and must reside within the Richards R-V School District. The Preschool Program will be based on the needs of our students. In order to know the needs of our upcoming students it is very important that all children attend screening.

To make an appointment for Preschool screening, please call the school office at 417-256-5239. Parents wishing to enroll their child are asked to provide their child’s current immunization records and birth certificate when they return the enrollment packet.

Richards R-V Kindergarten Screening

Richards R-V School will offer Kindergarten screening for the 2023-2024 school year on Thursday, May 4, 2023 from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. In order to attend Kindergarten classes, children must be five years old prior to August 1, 2023 and must reside within the Richards R-V School District.

To make an appointment for a Kindergarten screening, please call the school office at 417-256-5239. Parents wishing to enroll their child are asked to provide their child’s current immunization records and original birth certificate when they return the enrollment packet.